(888) 310-6122
Describe your business or organization in a few sentences:*
What are the primary goals of your blog? (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, thought leadership, etc.) *
Who is your target audience? *
Are there any keywords or key phrases that you would like us to focus on in the blog posts? *
What tone do you envision for your blog posts? (e.g., formal, casual, professional, conversational, persuasive, etc) *
Who are your main competitors in the industry? *
What is your preferred word count range for blog posts? *
Are there any specific writing style preferences or guidelines we should follow? (e.g., use of certain terminology, avoiding jargon, etc.)
Would you like any visual elements included in your blog posts? (e.g., images, infographics, videos)
Is there any other information, requirements, or expectations you'd like to share that can help us better understand and meet your needs for this project?